Your search for a shopping partner ends here. Qoie is your ultimate shopping guide. It is an easy, efficient location based shopping app that lets you discover the most suitable shopping destinations around you. You can feed in your search details and browse through the retail stores, go through product pictures, check out the deals, decide where you want to shop and leave a review of your experience for fellow shoppers.
You can follow other shoppers, get tips from them, and go on a shopping spree that is more rewarding.
You can enjoy these amazing features when you download this app:
Auto detection of your current location through GPS
Close proximity search
Search result sorted based on popularity, ratings and distance
Get directions through Google Map
Get crystallized business information at one glance (like address, phone, website, etc)
Call store at one tap
Rate and review stores you visit
Browse through the store info
Find out what’s around you
Go ahead and download Qoie if you want to be a part of this great shopping revolution! You’ll be surprised to experience how different and hassle free shopping can be!